Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A few years ago I went to Lake Placid to watch the Ironman. It was a great day of spectating. It was an impressive field of pros and age groupers. I know from experience that having support on the race course is a huge booster even if athletes on course don't show it.

Many spectators make signs for athletes. Just about anything goes. A lot of signs are personal to friends or family members, but there are many in the group that are generic adding to the quilt of visual stimuli (I'm thinking top of Papa Bear for those of you who know).
On my day of spectating I decided to put together a sign that got far more attention from pros and top age groupers than anything I've ever said or held before. My sign builds on a theory that I have regarding why we compete in triathlons in the first place. My theory is that it gets at something primeval; the equivalent of a 'modern day' hunt. We train (sharpen our spear tips) and race to test ourselves. This idea works for me.
My sign? 'Enjoy the Hunt.' These three words were what it took time and time again to get an elite rider to look up, smile and yell (as they zipped by). It seems to me that many related to the same sentiment.

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