Tuesday, April 28, 2009

No time to exercise?

Most of us think about exercise as something we need special equipment for. The reality is however, that we can get very focused and powerful results from using our own body weight, and with limited time.
Here's an article reporting on a study which finds that groups exercising in small but more frequent blocks of time get the same benefit as groups that exercise for longer (Read the article). So, rather than heading over to the gym for 30 minutes or longer, why not break your routine down into three 10' segments? And these segments could be worked into your daily routine; say before breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Furthermore, these routines could designed into the spaces that you live and work. For example, a pull up bar installed near the kitchen allows you to do 3 sets of 3 pullups while you wait for your morning cup of coffee. Do these every day and you'll definitely get stronger.
Also from About.com here is a great 'time-saver' series of exercises which could be incorporated into almost any (fit)space.

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