Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Reinforcing the Circuit

I've started working with the YMCA on a training circuit for the home, based on their excellent BootCamp class.  We've started producing these 8"x8" cards which will be laminated and used to illustrate the supervised exercises performed in class.
The front of the card will have a description of the exercise and be color coded depending on the type of exercise and how it relates to the body.  Here, yellow refers to a core strengthening exercise.
The back of the card will have additional information such as the equipment necessary to perform the exercise AND the spatial requirements needed.  
Eventually we will have a library of these exercise cards which will make it easy to set up a training circuit anywhere, including in your own home.  The ultimate FitSpace strategy perhaps would be to make modifications to your home which would allow you to utilize these training techniques year round!

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