Monday, October 3, 2011

Inspiring presentation YESS lecture series at Salem YMCA

My Friend Jim Logan gave a great talk last week at the Salem YMCA.  His topic was something that resonated with me and I've been giving it a lot of thought especially in how it relates to FitSpace and fitness.

Jim started off with a brief summary of human physiology and how it relates to movement.  The title of his talk was 'Primal Conditioning.'  He gave some great examples of groups that have embraced this concept as a conditioning methodology.  Groups like the Monkey Bar Gym, Primal Fitness, The Strength Box, MovNat, Wild Fitness, Parquour.  Check out this link and try not to be inspired:

Jim asked me to provide the next talk in the YESS series with focus on FitSpace.  The talk will be in December at the Salem YMCA.

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